
SLP accuses communist authorities of persecuting local social-liberal councilors


The Social Liberal Party of Moldova accuses communist authorities of persecuting local social-liberal councilors. The SLP leader, Oleg Serebrian and the social-liberal MP Igor Klipii told on Wednesday, August 9 at a press conference about several cases of threatening and even dismissing the local social-liberal councilors, the reason being the critical standpoint of the councilors regarding some actions of communist MPs. The local councilor of Sangerei, Ion Rosca who submitted a petition to the ECHR, mentioned that because of his liberal standpoint, he was refused 4 times the position of methodic cabinet’s chief. “The Bureau of Communists’ Party is the one that decides whom to offer a position. Over 70% of the vacant positions of the raion council were taken by the supporters of CPRM”, the quoted source said. According to the MP Igor Klipii, the raion state institutions are transformed into party political entities. Each communist MP is responsible of a certain raion, where one “makes order”, ignoring the legislation. Through these actions, the leading party prepares itself for the 2007 local elections, social-liberals say. As an argument Klipii presented the example of the Ministry of Local Public Administration and the incorrect way of distributing public resources, giving more money to the localities headed by communist MPs. The cited source states that the localities have a lot of difficulties because of the bad management of communist councilors. At the same conference, the leadership of SLP announced that the initiative of uniting liberal forces of Moldova, supported by the International Liberal Forum, will get a new start after the round table on August 28. The deputy chairman of the Romanian Senate, Teodor Melescanu, the Chairman of the National Liberal Party of Romania, Mircea Ionescu Chintus and other liberal officials are invited to have talks with the representatives of SLP, “Moldova Noastra” Alliance and other liberal parties. The initiative of uniting the liberal forces of Moldova was launched on February 2006. In May the Standing Liberal Round Table was instituted. It includes the representatives of several political parties: MNA, SLP and former members of PCDP.