
Slight decline in gasoline prices is anticipated, NAER director


The application of the new method of setting fuel prices created the incorrect perception that the new law generated a rise in oil prices. The analysis of Platts quotations for gasoline and diesel fuel shows that the highest fuel prices in the last five years on the international market were recorded in September 2021, said representatives of the National Agency for Energy Regulation. According to them, the Republic of Moldova cannot detach itself from the developments on the international market, IPN reports.

“Experts and politicians representing different parties say that this law generated price rises. But this is not true. This law didn’t generate price rises. It generated a reduction in prices, against the prices that could have been witnessed if the law hadn’t taken effect in its current form,” NAER director Eugen Carpov told a news conference.

He noted that NAER sets price ceilings in the most transparent way and fully obeys the law. The period of three weeks is too short for drawing conclusions about the effects of the new law. Time will show that this law fully reflects the developments on the international market in the final price, both when it rises and when it decreases.

Eugen Carpov said a slight decline in gasoline prices is now seen following a rise witnessed four-five days ago. There prices for tomorrow haven’t been published, but calculations show the gasoline prices decreased by 0.06 lei. For diesel fuel, calculations show an increase of 0.03 lei, but they expect a downward trend will also start here.
Under the new changes to the law on the oil products market, NAER daily sets price ceilings for gasoline “95” and diesel fuel depending on the quotations on the international market.

Today, a liter of gasoline “95”costs about 20.90 lei, while a liter of diesel fuel – 16.85 lei. The liquefied petroleum gas is sold for almost 13 lei a liter.