
Slavic Culture Influenced Positively Moldovan People – president


“The creation of the Slavonic writing opened a new page not only in the historic destiny of the Slavs, but also influenced positively several peoples, inclusively the Moldovan”, declared the head of state Vladimir Voronin at the opening of the Days of Slavonic handwriting and culture. In his speech, the president mentioned that: “The small Republic of Moldova is a real ethnographic reservation. Here, near Moldovan villages, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, old tradition Russian villages as well exist and besides the Moldovan Language, Slavonic languages are used. Accepting other languages and cultures is characteristic for the population of this land”. The Slavonic handwriting constitutes the spiritual legacy we keep and it helps us build the state on the grounds of diversity and tolerance, emphasized Voronin. As well the head of state refferd to the fact that the Slavs had a great importance for the spiritual and material development of the Moldovan lands during its history”. The days of Slavonic handwriting and culture are celebrated for the 17th time in Moldova and will take place during May 22-26. A series of cultural events will take place in this period.