
Sexually transmitted diseases among main causes of cervical cancer


An information campaign on cervical cancer will be carried out in Moldova during January 23-29. The drive is coordinated by Moldova’s Ministry of Health in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund Moldova. Informative materials about the risks and methods of preventing this disease will be distributed in schools during the week, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a communiqué, the Ministry of Health says the causes of cervical cancer are diverse, but the sexually transmitted diseases are among the main ones, namely the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). There are about 120 types of HPV. Nineteen of them pose increased risk of infection with cervical cancer. The virus can be prevented by vaccination, especially among girls who have not yet started their sex life. The Ministry of Health now has about 20,000 vaccines against HPV, called Gardasil, for immunizing approximately 6,600 girl aged between 9 and 15. Studies show this vaccine ensures protection in about 70% of the cases of cervical cancer. The vaccine is given free at the family doctors centers. In parallel with vaccination, experts recommend that all the women should do the Papanicolau test for HPV. This test can be performed gratis at the family doctors centers, at the gynecologist’s office. About 60,000 women develop yearly cervical cancer in Europe. Half of them die. According to the Oncology Institute, over 300 women get cervical cancer in Moldova every year. The average age of the affected women is over 40.