
Several unionist groups negotiating alliance for local elections


Several unionist organizations are negotiating the creation of a joint force to participate in the upcoming local elections this year. The announcement was made by Anatol Ursu, member of the National Unity Bloc. He says their goal is to gain as many “unionist town halls” as possible throughout Moldova, IPN reports.

“Our goal is to win tens of unionist town halls in Moldova, with unionist mayors, ideally also with unionist councilors, to start a grassroots movement”, Ursu explained during the “Punctul pe azi” talk-show at TVR Moldova.

According to him, “this could be done by synchronizing the candidates: it means supporting unionist candidates regardless of their party. For me, it’s important to get bona fide unionists in as many town halls as possible. It doesn’t matter if they come from the Liberals, the National Liberals, the Democracy At Home party or from civil society. We need more unionist mayors in our town halls”, said the politician.

“We hope that this merging and redistribution of candidates for mayoral and council seats throughout Moldova will help us, in the end, to create a political organization for ourselves”, added Vlad Biletchi, head of the Unirea-ODIP association. The form of this organization is less important, according to him, and it could be a party, a political bloc or a social-political movement.

The leader of the National Unity Bloc, Ion Leascenco, thinks that “the Republic of Moldova experiment has demonstrated its failure and inefficiency” after the February 24 elections. “I hope that the people will understand, at least at the eleventh hour, that the Unification with Romania is the only way to overcome this impasse and the local elections will be the first true test. We don’t have the electoral threshold problem anymore. Here we truly need to find a joint unionist bloc”, argued the politician.