
Several sounding semaphores function in Telecentru district of Chisinau


Several sounding semaphores function in the Telecentru districts of Chisinau at present. They have been installed there to help the blind cross the street. The deputy chief of the general directorate for public transportation and communication, Alexei Varlan, said that the need of such semaphores was observed for many years, especially in the Telecentru district, where the residential blocks, hostels of the blind and the enterprises where they work are located. Thus, sounding semaphores function at three crossroads in Telecentru, including on the bridge. A ringing warns the blind when the colour of the semaphore is changing. At the same time, Varlan noted, employees of the Lumteh company have installed new lentils at many semaphores in different areas of the city, so that to enhance their visibility, especially in sunny days. They changed 78 lentils of semaphores in the boulevards Dacia, Alecu Russo, Mircea cel Batran, Kiev street.