Several schools in Chisinau to be reorganised
Starting September 1, several pre-higher and pre-school education institutions in the Municipality of Chisinau will change their activity statute.
By means of the order issued by Chisinau Mayor General Dorin Chirtoaca, the network of education institutions will be changed as follows: the school no.1 will become “Vasile Vasilache” Lyceum; school no. 27 – sports lyceum; school no.26 and school no. 71 will merge and will become “Dacia” Lyceum; the Russian-Romanian school no. 24 – Romanian school no. 24; secondary school no 34 – primary school no. 34; primary school no. 16 – school-kindergarten no. 16; municipal enterprise “Centre of child and Family Education” – public institution with the same name; and the primary-school course of “Neciui Levitki” will be transformed in the primary school no. 34.
By means of the same order, the following institutions will be liquidated: boarding school no. 10, in the headquarters of which the kindergarten no. 3 will be opened, and the boarding secondary school no.1, which will be subsequently transformed in the kindergarten no. 174.
The order of the Mayor is complying with the Modernisation Programme of the education system of Moldova, approved by the Government in 2005, as well as with the decision of the Chisinau Municipal Council of 2006 on the approval of the programme “Modernisation of education system in the Municipality of Chisinau for 2006 – 2010”.
All the expenditures related to the reorganisation of the aforementioned education institutions will be paid from the municipal budget.