
​​​​​​​Seven out of ten Chișinău residents sort waste


Seven out of ten Chișinău residents are sorting waste. According to the data of the General directorate for housing and communal services, 24% of Chișinău residents sort all their waste, while 27% do not sort at all. 48% of the capital's inhabitants partially sort the waste, by separatly collecting bottles or boxes.

DGLCA data shows that 81% of Râșcani and Botanica residents sort their waste, constituting a larger percentage number than other residents. 77% of Centru residents sort their waste, while 69% Buicani inhabitants engage in this activity. Less waste is sorted in the Ciocana sector. Only 51% of residents sort their waste, while 49% don't.

An analysis of the habit of sorting waste was performed through the prism of the family average monthly income. Among those who earn less than three thousand lei, 66% sort, while 33% don't. Among those who earn between three and five thousand lei, 71% sort waste and 29% don't. 79% of those with incomes between 10 and 15 thousand lei sort their waste. In case of Chișinău residents with incomes of over 15 thousand lei, the proportions of those who sort is 67% to 33% that do not.

Earlier, following an experiment that took place over the course of a month, with the participation of 73 people from 25 households, it was concluded that a person who does not collect garbage separately and is throwing everything in one basket, annually produces 322 kilograms of waste. However, the person who collects waste separately, produces half as much, 159 kilograms.