
Settlements that benefit from foreign financing will be included in map


The State Chancellery, with the support of UNDP, launched a development aid management platform (AMP). The data will be available on www.public.amp.gov.md, IPN reports.

Secretary General of the Government Victor Bodiu told a news conference that this is an online system for managing data about projects, programs and other forms of assistance provided by the development partners. “Civil society will be able to follow in what sectors most of the projects are implemented, who are the donors and at what stage the projects are,” he stated.

Projects to the value of €2.2 billion were implemented or are under implementation in transport, social infrastructure, water and sewerage and other sectors of Moldova in 2009-2013.

Head of the State Chancellery’s Monitoring and Assessment Division Lucretia Ciurea said the data on the website will be updated quarterly by the development partners and the governmental institutions that are implementing the projects. Currently, over 90% of the projects financed with foreign funds are implemented by ministries.

UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova Nicola Harrington-Buhay said the platform is important for monitoring the use of funds. “This platform is a tangible benefit for the Government and for us, the partners,” she stated.

Similar platforms are used in over 20 countries.