
Sergiu Sarbu about bill that will enable MPs to become lawyers without taking exam


Current and former MPs, who are jurists by profession, could obtain the license of lawyer without taking the qualification exam, which is mandatory for any jurist. The proposal was submitted by a group of MPs who represent different groups last yearend. Democratic MP Sergiu Sarbu, who is not among the bill authors, but is a jurist, in an interview for Radio Free Europe said this way the MPs, who are jurists by profession, will be able to gratis defend the rights of those who delegated them to work in Parliament. Moreover, the bill significantly extends the compatibilities with the post of lawyer, IPN reports.

Sergiu Sarbu considers this bill puts right a serious mistake made in 2012, when advocacy was monopolized by a union of lawyers. Until 2012, Moldovans could freely choose the persons who would represent them in court, as it is normal in a number of states and at the ECHR, and these persons must not be mandatorily lawyers.

“Advocacy was monopolized by the caste of lawyers and thus only the lawyers have the right to represent the people in court. A lot of people during many years have come to Parliament and complained about the exaggerated prices charged by lawyers, the quality of services and about the fact that they cannot freely choose a representative who would defend their interests, even free of charge. And this is a problem,” said the MP.

Sergiu Sarbu also said that there is no need to make a prosecutor or a judge with tens of years of experience in the field and with studies to take exams. “It’s a pity that those lawyers who criticize the initiative forgot to mention the most important aspect of the bill. It institutes great privileges for lawyers, not for MPs. The bill considerably extends the compatibilities with the post of lawyer. Why do they keep silent about this? Because this suits them,” he stated.

According to the MP, this bill enables the lawyers to also be singers, liquidators, mediators, to form part of the administration boards of companies and to hold several posts simultaneously. The relevant reactions and attacks on the MPs are absolutely inadmissible and go beyond the limits of a debate and civilized criticism.