
Sergiu Ostaf: Both Liberals and Communists have reasons to vote for Leanca


The Liberal MPs and the Communist ones have political and public interest reasons to vote Iurie Leanca Prime Minister, executive director of the Resource Center for Human Rights (CReDO) Sergiu Ostaf said in the talk show “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

Speaking about the PL, Ostaf said that Iurie Lenca is the politician who enjoys the greatest trust among the population as he has professional experience and organizational skills as well as abilities to communicate and persuade the foreign partners. “Furthermore, there is also doctrinaire compatibility. It will be hard to explain to the European Liberals why they didn’t vote for a politician whose convictions 90% coincide with their doctrine,” he stated.

The expert considers that another reason for which the PL can vote for Iurie Leanca is the fact that they will have the possibility of promoting particular bills. “If Leanca becomes Premier, the Liberals will be able to promote certain bills even if they are in the opposition. As far as I know, the door for negotiations remains open,” he noted.

As to the PCRM, Ostaf said the Communist MPs will ultimately vote for the PLDM’s candidate for premiership in order to avoid early elections. “The PCRM does not have the external sources and resources of their electoral opponent PSRM. In case of early elections, the Communists will lose votes to the Socialists,” argued the CReDO director.

Sergiu Ostaf believes that the ruling alliance will first try to vote in the Leanca Government with the help of the Liberal MPs. If they do not manage to, in the second round they will count on the support of the Communist lawmakers.