
Sergiu Litvinenco: Moldova is lucky that Veronica Dragalin decided to become involved in fight against corruption


The Government and Parliament will assist Veronica Dragalin in her desideratum to fight grand corruption in the Republic of Moldova, said Minister of Justice Sergiu Litvinenco. According to him, Veronica Dragalin’s decision to abandon her career in the United States and work in Moldova is a blessing for the country. The minister assured that the fact that she does not know the internal prosecution system is rather an advantage than a disadvantage for the future chief of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, IPN reports.

According to her CV, Veronica Dragalin gained experience as a result of the investigation of over 300 federal cases. The future head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office managed in the U.S. international investigational into difficult cases of corruption. Minister Sergiu Litvinenco, who is a member of the Superior Council of Prosecutors, said that Veronica Dragalin has the necessary training for rooting out corruption in Moldova.

“Any jury choosing based on merits would have chosen Veronica Dragalin given her experience as federal prosecutor in the U.S., her rich experience in managing cases of corruption among American politicians. The legal system in California State is sophisticated and equally efficient. This points to the remarkable professional qualities of Veronica Dragalin. She comes to a system she does not know, but this is rather an advantage than a disadvantage. It won’t be easy for her given the human resource in the prosecution service of the Republic of Moldova and also because our legal system is different from that in the U.S.,” Sergiu Litvinenco stated in the talk show “Emphasis on today” on TVR Moldova channel.

The minister said that Parliament will adopt all the necessary laws so that the new anticorruption chief does not face legislative blockages in her work. Veronica Dragalin will come to Moldova soon to take up her duties.

“The Republic of Moldova is very lucky as a person with such an experience decided to abandon her career and to come to the Republic of Moldova for contributing to the fight against corruption. If she comes up with proposals to amend to amend the legislation if this prevents progress in particular cases, we will need to help her so that she fulfills her duties. I hope she will come to the Republic of Moldova in the near future to take up as chief prosecutor of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, which is an essential institution that can help us deliver on the promises to fight grand corruption,” said Sergiu Litvinenco.

In the interview stage held by the Superior Council of Prosecutors, Veronica Dragalin obtained the highest score among the four candidates. In accordance with the law, the acting prosecutor general is to confirm Veronica Dragalin as head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office.