
September is the month of big readings


The users and non-users of libraries of Moldova in the course of September will be invited to different literary events organized to stimulate interest in reading and the formulation of creative and critical ideas. These form part of the nationwide program “Lecturacentral” that was launched by the National Library on August 30, IPN reports.

The program will be implemented annually in September in a move to concentrate the contributions of libraries, communities and competent decision makers so as to optimize the interest in books, to promote reading and develop the culture of reading. The goal of the program is to add another dimension to the activity of promoting reading and the book and to deeply cultivate the idea that reading means a lot for education and development among real and potential readers.

Vera Osoianu, division head at the National Library, said the program is a project on which a lot of work was done and September was chosen because the Day of Knowledge, the World Book Day, the Right to Know Day and other events are staged this month. The idea of such a project appeared because the reading crisis has been debated a lot recently.

“A study carried out several years ago revealed that only 54% of the students in the Republic of Moldova have the necessary reading skills and can be named readers. The promotion of reading is a very important chain that consists of a number of rings and the family is the first ring,” stated Vera Osoianu.

“The National Library this year came with an initiative for professionals, for librarians and informative - documentary institutions and for all those interested in reading. I think “Lecturacentral” is a very interesting program,” stated the director of the National Library Elena Pintilei.

The nationwide program “Lecturacentral” is implemented by the National Library in cooperation with the National Children’s Library “Ion Creangă”, all the types of libraries and the local public authorities with the assistance of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of Moldova.