
Selling on patent to be allowed till 2017


The commerce on the basis of the patent may be allowed till 2017, Info-Prim Neo reports, making reference to the draft law on modifying the law on the entrepreneurial patent, approved by the Government in its Wednesday sitting. The modifications provide for allowing the retail commerce at booths, kiosks, counters and from cars in authorized markets on the basis of the patent, on condition the volume of the sold goods is less than 300,000 within a period of 12 consecutive months. The lists of merchandize to be sold on the patent basis does not contain such articles as TV sets, stereo players, other large electric appliances, construction materials. Commenting the bill, Economy and Trade Minister Igor Dodon said, although there had been suggestions to include those, too, they could not be accepted. “Such items used to be sold, on the patent basis earlier in 90, now we have enough specialized stores, which also give warranties to customer,” he specified. The patent holders will pay the social insurance and the medical contributions, what will entitle them to a minimum pension, to aid in case of death and to medical services, provided for in the unique Program of obligatory insurance and medical assistance. In case of paying the social contributions, the duration of work of the patent holder will be taken into account in calculating his/her pension. According to the draft, the pensioners and the disabled will be exempted from paying the social and medical contributions. The natural entities and farmers who sell their surpluses on the market will have free access to the market, without having entrepreneurship patent. They will be provided with places to trade at on producing documents on the origin of the merchandize and will pay only the market taxes. The Economy and Commerce Minister informed, that following the proposal made by patent holders, the tax to be paid for getting the patent had been raised only twice, because it is small-income people working on the patent. Now the patent fee is 190 lei in cities, 90 lei in districts and 50 lei in villages a per month. The talks with patent holders have lasted for three months, the last meeting occurring on April 11. According to Igor Dodon, after the Parliament adopts this draft law, the patent holders will go on registering as individual enterprises, as, in his opinion , more and more people realize that having a business of their own is much more advantageous than to sell imported goods on a patent basis, saying that as many as 6,000 former patent holders have registered their own businesses. The patent holders have organized 130 protest actions, demanding to cancel Law 208, banning the patent-based trade.