
Security systems in apartment buildings hamper doctors’ access to sick persons


The security systems installed in apartment buildings prevent the doctors from easily reaching the persons who need medical assistance. The lost minutes can be fatal. Anatol Proca, managing doctor at the Chisinau Ambulance Service, said the doctors recently could not help an old woman because they arrived at her place with delay after having to overcome a number of obstacles. The 74-year-old woman was found dead near the door. Anatol Proca has told Info-Prim Neo that the entrance doors of the buildings are often locked and nobody answers the interphones if there are such. The metallic doors of the apartments are another obstacle. There may be two such doors at the entrance to an apartment and the person inside who needs help is not always able to open the door. In such cases, the doctors seek help from the district police officer as they are not allowed to force the door. But the lost minutes can cost the suffering persons their lives. The doctors recommend the elderly persons who are home alone to give a pair of keys to the neighbors and the dwellers to be more accommodating and open the building entrance doors to the ambulance teams.