The residents of Oliscani, Soldanesti have elected a new mayor. The village will be managed by Andrian Svecla, who represents the Democratic Party. He polled 59% of the vote in the May 19 elections. The voters in Manta village of Cahul district, Chetrosu village of Anenii Noi district, and Visoca village of Soroca district will have to cast their ballots in the second round of voting, secretary of the Central Election Commission Andrei Volentir said, quoted by IPN.
According to Andrei Volentir, the inhabitants of Mincenii de Jos, Rezina, elected a new local council. Five seats on it were won by the PDM, three seats by the PLDM, while one seat by the PCRM. The local council in this village was dissolved because it was unable to adopt a decision over half a year.
“Promo-LEX” Association, which monitored the new local elections on May 19, identified a number of violations, including two cases of electoral propaganda on the day before the elections in Mincenii de Jos and Manta. The election runners in Oliscani, Mincenii de Jos and Visoca resorted to propaganda on the election day.
Among other violations discovered were the non-observance of the secrecy of the vote, voting with invalid documents, and attempts to vote made by persons without Moldovan citizenship. A number of voters were prevented from marking their ballots and persons tried to take ballots out of the polling place to photograph them.
According to Promo-LEX, the voter turnout in Chetrosu was over 48%, in Oliscani – about 59%, in Visoca – 62%, in Mincenii de Jos – over 70%, while in Manta – about 56%.