
Second round of mayoral elections to take place in eight settlements, Update


Seven settlements elected their mayors in new local elections on Sunday, May 16, while another eight settlements will hold the second round, the secretary of the Central Election Commission Iurie Ciocan told Info-Prim Neo. Iurie Ciocan said the results of the elections were validated in all the 15 settlements. [Update] The seven elected mayors are: Liberal Mihail Golban (Floreni village of Anenii Noi district), Liberal-Democrat Elena Mosneguta (Hansca, Ialoveni), Democrat Stelian Lungu (Roscani, Straseni), and Communists Andrei Paslari (Visniovca, Cantemir), Victor Piculschii (Albota de Sus, Taraclia), Fiodor Mincu (Congaz, Gagauzia), and Nicolai Colioglo (Copceac, Gagauzia). The second round of mayoral elections will take place in two weeks, including in Sangera town of the municipality of Chisinau. The Liberal Party representative Mihai Lari and the representative of the Liberal Democratic Party Valeriu Poiata will compete in the second round in Sangera. Seventy-five contenders ran in the May 16 elections in the 15 settlements. Fourteen candidates represented the Democratic Party, by ten the Communists Party and the Liberal Democratic Party, while nine the Liberal Party. Among the candidates were also representatives of the Moldova Noastra Alliance, the United Moldova Party, the European Action Movement, the Christian Democratic People's Party, the Social Democratic Party and the sociopolitical movement “New Force” as well as eight independents.