
SCM will become functional within 30 days, Maia Sandu


The Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) will become functional within 30 days. Parliament will name the SCM non-judge members who passed the pre-vetting. The named members will constitute the SCM that will work regardless of what the judges decide, President Maia Sandu stated after the meeting of the Supreme Security Council that was convened to discuss the exceptional situation in the justice sector.

President Sandu said the General Assembly of Judges was to elect the members of the SCM, but didn’t do it. The judges who came together for the Assembly also committed other violations, including interrupted the meeting. What the judges managed to show at that meeting was that “the justice is rotten and cannot or does not want to be cured”. “Some of the judges showed that their goal is not to do justice, but to compromise it. A part of the judges didn’t want and do not want a functional CSM to exist,” said the official, noting the judges’ argument that not all the challenges filed by those who didn’t pass the assessment were examined is inappropriate as these challenges should have been examined within ten days.

“We ascertained that the justice was sequestrated by the personal interests of some of the judges who allowed criminals to remain on the outside, who allowed the Laundromat to be committed and the billion theft to remain unpunished or invalidated democratically held elections”.

Maia Sandu also said that the efforts to build a solid and independent judicial system will not be thwarted. Besides the recommendation to accelerate the constitution of the Superior Council of Magistracy, the Supreme Security Council recommended Parliament to draft legal provisions to set up an Anticorruption Court during a short period of time. “Later, the new SCM will announce a contest to choose judges for the Anticorruption Court, which will manage cases of grand corruption and corruption in the judicial system. This institution should become functional within three months,” noted the official.

The General Assembly of Judges that convened last Friday after a pause of four years was interrupted until April 28 and a judges’ joint statement on the situation in the justice sector is be formulated until then. The judges also decided to put off the selection of four members of the Superior Council of Magistracy. After the meeting, the judges were subject to criticism, while President Maia Sandu described the situation in the justice sector as exceptional.