
Science Academy of Moldova will inaugurate a lyceum and a university for gifted youngsters


The Science Academy of Moldova will create its own education institutions for tutoring young scientific personnel. A law which allows SAM to inaugurate a lyceum and a university came into effect after it was published in the last issue of “The Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova” newspaper. The aforementioned amendment to the Law on Education was solicited by SAM and stipulates that it is allowed to create a lyceum and a university, were 200 and respectively 500 gifted students will study. SAM will receive budgetary allocations and foreign financial resource for this purpose. The head of SAM, Gheorghe Duca declared in the Parliament that the problem of educating highly qualified personnel for the national economy is again on the table due to the significant deficiencies in this area over the past years. The bill was rejected by the opposition, which said that this decision will not improve the situation of the science field and requires great expenses. The initiative was though adopted by the communists MPs.