
Sanitary Service is not responsible for quality of toys sold in unauthorized places


The National Scientific-Practical Center for Preventive Medicine (NCPM) is not responsible for the quality of the toys sold in unauthorized places, inclusively by the license holders and natural persons. The declaration was made by the deputy chairman of this institution, Ana Volneatchi, for the reporter of Info-Prim Neo, who solicited information regarding the commercialization of clothes and toys for children of doubtful quality. Ana Volneatchi states that all the toys and clothes for children, imported legally, are hygienically certified and are paid a special attention to in order to ensure their safeness. The sanitary rules and norms in force set clear hygienic and security criteria. Ana Volneatchi affirms that under certain conditions and circumstances the toys can be dangerous for the health of children, especially when used by children with another age than the one mentioned by the constructors. She considers that assuring safeness to these groups of goods is possible only if the toys are selected correctly. Sanitary authorities don’t recommend purchasing toys with instructions written in foreign languages, out of order, which spread smells specific to chemical substances or in case when the dyes wipe off after laying a wet wad. Volneanschi affirms that in the Republic of Moldova the goods sold unauthorized in markets and booths are verified only in case of unpredicted and sporadic controls, when the hygienic certificates are checked up, together with the storing and selling conditions. In the last period, the international press reported about several cases when the sanitary authorities of other states, inclusively of Russia and Romania, undertake massive actions to discover, to test and destroy serious batches of noxious toys and clothes for children. For example, chemical tests of the materials used when producing Romanian-made toys, certify the presence of noxious substances. According to the tests, many toys of doubtful quality are colored with an excess of lead, quicksilver, antimony, barium, titanium, stibium, chromium, elements which can cause different diseases to children in certain concentrations and after a lasting use. According to the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, in the first 5 months of the year were imported toys amounting to 12 million 235 thousand lei or by 7 million lei more than in the same period of the last year. The majority of toys are imported from China, followed by Germany and Russia.