
“Russia’s plan”, dangers to Moldova’s security, opinions


No one challenges the existence of real threats to the security of the Republic of Moldova as we are close to a cruel war that claims lives and destroys towns. However, a difference should be made between threats and the identification of groups that, for example, can overthrow the constitutional government and commit actions that endanger public order, as President Maia Sandu informed in a news conference, said the chairman of the Coalition for Unity and Welfare (CUB) Igor Munteanu.

In the program “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel, he said that all the healthy people realize that Russia is an aggressor and criminal state. The developments concern us too and not only owing to the wave of refugees, but also to the dreadful and vehement assertion that Moldova is the next target.

However, Munteanu noted that the Republic of Moldova as a state, even if it is weak, has all the necessary instruments to prevent groups of people with Russian or another nationality to enter the country if they look suspicions. Such statements should be strengthened not only by the President’s statements in a news conference. The meetings of the Supreme Security Council are the instrument by which the President can persuade that there are particular threats. Such a meeting wasn’t held and it is not clear what facts were transmitted to the intelligence services and to what extent these statements are substantiated.

He noted the extreme fragility of the state institutions is the main danger to the Republic of Moldova.

“The work of the intelligence services does not meet our expectations. The army is in an incomplete state and is not outfitted with fighting equipment that could ensure safety in the future. Also, the level of cooperation with the neighboring states leaves to be desired. I think it is an exaggeration to say that particular parties are agents of influence of the Russian state. Yes, we have political parties that can be condemned for their ties with the bank fraud, for suspicious visits to Moscow. These should be followed and monitored by the intelligence services and by the PSA that can anytime suspend their licenses for a particular period. But one cannot blame all the political parties or groups as this way political pluralism is liquidated, but this is a central base for the European civilization and for the rule of law that we must respect,” said the CUB chairman.

For his part, Romanian expert in international relations Valentin Naumescu, professor of the Babeș-Bolyai University, said that Moldova is in a critical moment when Russia aims to destabilize the situation in this country.

“It is an extremely serious moment for the Republic of Moldova. The country is now close to a critical and crucial moment in the short history of this post-Soviet state. I would suggest that these threats should be taken seriously as this plan is plausible. I don’t think this statement was made to please someone or under the influence of President Zelensky. The moment is serious and even critical,” stated Naumescu.

According to him, President Maia Sandu’s decision to speak in public about the security threats is assumed and correct.

“Russian can anytime start to implement its plan to destabilize the Republic of Moldova and to replace the government in Chisinau. The threat is grave and the authorities and Moldovan society should take these things seriously. I want to congratulate President Maia Sandu on her decision to make these threats public. From strategic and tactical viewpoints, she acted correctly and informed about the special gravity of this moment so as not to allow the citizens to be cheated by the image of eventual economic and social protests,” stated Valentin Naumescu.

The expert said that what will happen the next months and weeks can be perceived only as attempts to oust the government.

For his part, the MP of the Party of Action and Solidarity Lilian Carp, who heads the Parliament’s commission on national security, defense and public order, said that Russia has wanted the government in Chisinau to be replaced since it started its aggression against Ukraine, while the statements made by President Maia Sandu were made prudently for a number of reasons, but not because there is no factual basis.

“The Russian Federation’s plan was designed through the agency of parties that openly do this. We speak about the Shor Party to which Missis President also referred and about particular political leaders of the left who turned pro-European and of the right overnight. This tactic is evident and should be followed. The state institutions take measures to send back persons from the Chisinau airport. Since last autumn until now, not 20 or 30 persons, but a rather large number of persons were sent back. The President cannot provide details as she cannot reveal how much we know from the plan hatched by them, but particular information and actions will be made public at a particular moment. The Supreme Security Council discussed particular subjects, but not all the issues. There is information that is available only to the senior state officials. President Maia Sandu made those statements in the context of the Ukrainian President’s statements about the security risks,” stated Lilian Carp.

In a press briefing on Monday, President Maia Sandu said that actions involving diversionists with military training, disguised in civvies, who would take violent actions, would stage attacks on state institutions and would take people hostage, are being planned. By actions presented as protests by the so-called opposition, they intend to overthrow the government in Chisinau.