
Russia’s humanitarian aid for Transnistria reaches its destination


The caravan carrying Russia’s humanitarian aid for Transnistria entered the territory of Moldova’s breakaway enclave on Saturday, January 25, at 10:20, according to Tiraspol’s mouthpiece Olvia-Press. The TV channel Pervii Canal reported on Saturday that Transnistrians met the convoy with bread and salt at the Goianul Nou checkpoint, thanking the Russian Federation for its assistance. A column of 26 long vehicles KamAZ set out to Tiraspol from the Noginsk city, the Podmoscovye region, on March 22. They carried about 230 tons of clothes, foodstuffs and drugs. The Moldovan Foreign and European Integration Ministry has criticised the Russian Federation for granting the humanitarian aid. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and General Ferenc Banfi, head of the European Union’s Border Assistance Mission to Moldova, also described this gesture as unjustified.