
Russia’s actions will have an impact on situation in Black Sea Region, Deputy Premier


Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebrian considers the Republic of Moldova and the Transnistrian file are interconnected with what is going on in the region and with the Donbas file. Russia’s decision concerning the Ukrainian separatist regions will undoubtedly have an impact on the Transnistrian issue for the simple reason that Ukraine will also readjust its position, IPN reports.

Oleg Serebrian said that what is happening in the region and the recognition by the Russian Federation of the two separatist entities in eastern Ukraine will have an impact on the situation all over the Black Sea Region. “It is hard for me to say how things will change, but Kiev will reformulate its message concerning the conflicts in the area and will be much more determined to make headway in these files, including the Transnistrian one, which is a security problem of Ukraine somehow, given that it is on the border with Ukraine. This problem surely bothers Kiev, the Ukrainian political class, the Ukrainian army and also the ordinary citizens and this fact should be taken into account,” the official stated in an interview for RFE/RL’s Moldovan Service.

According to him, there is fear that the tensions in the region will escalate and the hope is that this will not come true. He, as the chief negotiator, as the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, aims to keep things stable somehow so that Moldova is not seriously affected and the situation is not destabilized.

If things stop and the status quo - the recognition of the two entities by the Russian Federation and the introduction of Russian troops - is maintained, things will not change much for Moldova for now. If the situation in Ukraine worsens and there are much more complex moves and a large-scale offensive is staged, Moldova can be regrettably affected, stated the Deputy Prime Minister.

Oleg Serebrian said Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech generated concern not only for Ukraine, but also for other countries, including the Republic Moldova, as it referred to security in the Black Sea Region in general. The reconfiguration of the map of the Black Sea Region is dangerous as this is a very turbulent area with a lot of conflicts and with different players, some of which are very important, like Turkey and Ukraine. Moldova also has conflicts on its territory and, if the situation is destabilized, its security can be in danger.