
Russia wants Moldova on its list of trusted foreign relations partners, Russian Ambassador to Chisinau


The Russian Federation expects Moldova to fortify its position among the former’s close and trustworthy partners in foreign affairs, and to actively participate in the Eurasian formats that it promotes. These potential actions on Moldova’s behalf may help the raise Moldovan-Russian affairs to the level of real strategic partner. These statements were made by Russian Ambassador to Moldova Farit Mukhametshin, in an interview with Info-Prim Neo, entitled “Moldova’s active participation in Eurasian formats does not overlap with its European integration path”, published on August 13, 2012. “Our interests lay within strengthening Russian-Moldovan relations, fortifying Moldova’s position among our close, dependable foreign affair partners. In this context, resulting from our geopolitical priorities, namely the strategic course, stated by the Russian government, of intensifying integration processes within the CIS area, we invite Chisinau to participate more actively in the Eurasian integration formats, and are convinced that Moldova’s membership in the CIS does not oppose its European integration course”, stated the Russian diplomat. Farit Mukhametshin says that these goals can be reached as a consequence of the special relations between the two countries, which have been developing over a long historical period. “The relations between our peoples, fortified by multi-secular ties of friendship, brotherhood and common religion, may well be called close and spiritual. I really want to believe that the Russian-Moldovan political dialogue, which is characterized by openness and pragmatism, will soon reach the level of real strategic partnership”, stated Russia’s Ambassador to Chisinau. According to him, the goals of the Russian-Moldovan relations do not conflict with Moldova’s pro-European choice. “The integration matter, the matter of participating in various integration unions is, undoubtedly, the sovereign choice of the Moldovan people and Government, along with its current leadership. Russia treats this choice with respect. We will seek any kind of collaboration, which are most optimal and suitable for the Russian-Moldovan mutual interaction not to wither, but to flourish”, stated Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Chisinau Farit Mukhametshin, in an interview for Info-Prim Neo, taken with the occasion of the 21st anniversary of Moldova’s Independence, part of the series “Independent for 21 years. About us, the former Soviet States”.