
Russia applies in Ukraine dangerous scenario for Moldova too, opinions


The Russian Federation put into practice in Ukraine a scenario that poses dangers to other states too, including Moldova. Russia aims to federalize Ukraine, insisting on the illegality of the power in Kiev, said invitees to the program “Fabrika” produced by PublikaTV channel. According to them, the decisions taken by the administration of Crimea are contradictory, IPN reports.

Political analyst Oazu Nantoi said that Russia encouraged the secession in Crimea and named marionettes to manage the region. “The so-called decisions are not legal. Crimea is a component of Ukraine, while the taken decisions are nonsense. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin from the vey beginning has maintained that everything that happens in Ukraine is illegal. Russia occupies Crimea, will try to extend its influence in eastern Ukraine and will impose an economic blockade,” he stated.

The analyst considers that the final goal is to show to the West that Ukraine is a weak and failed state. “This will destabilize the situation in Ukraine. Russia wants to bring the West to the negotiating table where to agree the federalization of Ukraine, as it tried in the case of Moldova through the Kozak Memorandum,” he said.

Political commentator Alexandru Cuznetsov said that Ukraine is a game part. “Russia said that it was ready to take over Crimea. But this is in fact appropriation. There are other areas in Ukraine that are inhabited by Russian speakers. Such areas exist in other states as well, including Moldova. Russia may appropriate more and more territories. Action should be taken. What we see are only appearances. Something else is going on inside,” he stated.

Political analyst Nicolae Afanas said the decisions of the Crimean administration are contradictory. “Initially the local authorities said they will join Russia, but afterward adopted a declaration of independence,” he said

Historian Sergiu Musteata stated that 58% of the people in Crimea are Russian ethnics and the result of the referendum on Crimea joining Russia is predictable. “The scenario is clear, but the presence of Russian troops on this territory is a demonstration of force,” he said.

After the Ukrainian administration was replaced by removing President Victor Yanukovych, the Crimean administration declared that the peninsula will withdraw from the composition of Ukraine. A referendum was set for the population to say if they want Crimea to join Russia.