
Rosian Vasiloi: Resolution adopted at UN is late


Expert Rosian Vasiloi said nobody denies the importance of the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on June 22, but this is regrettably late. Almost 27 years have passed since those events and nobody set the task of raising the level of discussions on the withdrawal of the occupation troops from Moldova’s territory, the expert stated in the public debate “(Political, economic, social, international) consequences of UN discussion on the withdrawal of the foreign army from Moldova’s territory” that was organized by IPN Agency and Radio Moldova.

Rosian Vasiloi said a number of aspects that weren’t included by the Moldovan negotiators in this resolution and particular concrete time limits should be taken into consideration in the context of the withdrawal. It is also about the recognition of the districts from the left side of the Nistru as part of the occupied Republic of Moldova and the imposition of particular sanctions against Russia for not fulfilling the commitments stipulated in the ceasefire agreement of July 21, 1992. “It is about Article 4, which clearly provides that the withdrawal of the military contingents of the 14th Army will be negotiated between Moldova and Russia, while the 14th Army, as the Russian forces were called then, will have a neural status and will not become involved in actions to destabilize the situation in  the Republic of Moldova. But this commitment is not respected. I think the Russian Federation flagrantly violates this provision,” noted Rosian Vasiloi.

The expert said that now the citizens want to know what the Moldovan authorities will do to implement the resolution. He does not think that the authorities are now considering the possibility of settling the conflict, but he would like the actions aimed at implementing the resolution to be taken first of all by the Moldovan authorities and the case of the Constitutional Court, which declared that a part of Moldova’s territory is occupied, will not repeat. “I consider we do not have a separate Operational Group of Russian Forces there, we do not have separate peacekeeping forces there. We have occupation troops there and we should say this clearly,” he stated.

Rosian Vasiloi said the subjects related to security or absence of security influence particular economic and social aspects, but the ordinary citizens are not really interested in these because they are rather concerned about the maintaining of families. Russia has always disregarded Moldova militarily and financially. They have stated for many years that different military exercises with the participation of the separatist paramilitary troops aimed at strengthening these are staged under the aegis of the so-called peacekeeping mission. Russia probably does not have military plans in relation to Moldova, but nobody anticipated what Russia will do in Crimea and Donbas in 2014.

The expert said he is waiting for concrete measures from the Moldovan authorities concerning the implementation of the resolution. According to him, the citizens should be very attentive to what is going on so as not to allow this issue to be only an impetus in the context of the parliamentary elections of this yearend. All the actions should match the clear country reunification policy.

The public debate “(Political, economic, social, international) consequences of UN discussion on the withdrawal of the foreign army from Moldova’s territory” was the 91st installment of the series “Developing political culture through public debates” that are staged with the support of the German foundation Hanns Seidel.