
Romanian MFA reacts to decision of prohibiting Radio Chisinau from using the toponym


The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying it regrets the “unfair and unfounded, and purely politically motivated decision” of the Chisinau Municipal Council to prohibit Radio Chisinau from using the name of the city.

A subsidiary of Radio Romania, Radio Chisinau has been present in Moldova since December 2011.  

“Radio Chisinau has set high standards for modern, European journalism and respect for the public, for delivering information in a correct and honest fashion. Thanks to its presence, Radio Chisinau has made an important contribution to the consolidation of pluralism in the media landscape of the Republic of Moldova and to the emergence of a truly free and independent press”, says the Romanian MFA.

“Radio Chisinau is a valuable and reliable source of information for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. Also, from the very beginning, the radio station has been a strong, relevant voice in supporting the pro-democratic and pro-European course of the Republic of Moldova, and the attempt to change its name is an attack on its identity, heritage and confidence that the station has built over the years”, goes on the statement.

The Ministry says it is hoping for a speedy resolution of Radio Chisinau’s situation, by administrative or legal means, adding that it will do whatever it can within its authority to advance such an outcome.

Earlier, both Radio Chisinau’s administration and team deplored the City Council’s move.

Radio Chisinau is considered to be successor to Romania’s first ever regional radio station, called Radio Basarabia and opened in 1939  in Chisinau.