
Romanian Foreign Minister says Romania is Moldova’s great European partner


Romania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai Razvan Ungureanu says that beyond all rhetoric, populist speeches, attempts to mystify Romania’s political intentions, beyond the ill-willed or premeditated misinterpretations, Moldova can trust Romania is its great European partner, offering solidarity and good will Moldova can lean on towards the EU membership. In an interview with “Vocea Basarabiei” radio, quoted by Info-Prim Neo, the Romanian Foreign Minister said that Moldova has real chances to reach prosperity and political stability, due to the EU borders’ proximity. The Minister says that Romania has been proving for years that it is a friend of Moldova, both in bad and good times, and it has made properly its homework in what concerns the partnership with Moldova, introducing it in all the regional cooperation arrangements in the South-Eastern Europe. “One has to be blind not to see all these things and only ill-willed persons can misinterpret them. I think that only for those who are blindfolded by political fanaticism Romania is an enemy. Those who think like that do not care at all about the interests of the people, of the Moldovan citizens, regardless of the language they speak, culture and nationality they belong to. The Romanian diplomat also says that after Moldova lost the chance to join the EU together with Romania, Moldova must convince the Brussels that it not only deserves the accession, but that it can join EU with a predictable foreign affairs strategy, with solid internal policies. “Moldova must not only declare it wants to join EU, or that its policy is exclusively based on this principle, it must undertake more actions in this respect”, says the Romanian minister of Foreign Affairs, referring in this context to the Report of the EU Commission on the progress in the implementation of EU-Moldova Action Plan, which says that Moldova must continue the reforms and the social-economic development and that the situation of the public finances is difficult at the moment, that the rate of foreign investments is continuously diminishing, that the business environment is not protected from the political environment, that the Government interferes in the business environment etc. Referring himself to Romania’s further policy concerning Moldova, Ungureanu said that it will be based on facilitating the access to the cultural European market, strengthening economic cooperation, closely monitoring Moldova and its arguments that would allow joining EU together with the countries of the Western Balkans. “Our relations with Moldova will include Brussels. Brussels will speak within the frameworks of the neighbourhood policy, and Romania’s calls regarding Moldova will grow louder in the European Parliament”, the source says. “Romania has the capacity to offer free expertise and financial-logistic support to Moldova in order to ease Moldova’s road towards Europe” said Romanian Foreign Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, quoted by Info-Prim Neo.