
Romanian doctor: State of emergency in Moldova should have been instituted for 30 days


The director of the Iasi Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Grigore Tinică said the Moldovan authorities’ decision to declare a state of emergency for a period of 60 days is illogical. The illustrious Romanian doctor considers the vaccination process in Moldova is sluggish and recommends the persons who have Romanian nationality to get a vaccine in Romania, IPN reports.

Doctor Grigore Tinică said the Moldovan authorities’ decision to declare the state of emergency for a period of two months is evidently political in character. The incubation period of SARS-COV-2 is of 14 days and quarantine should have been instituted for at most 28 days, which is two incubation periods.

“The decision is not based on medical or epidemiological reasons. It is a decision with a political undertone. When the whole Europe introduced the state of emergency, the then President of the Republic of Moldova said it was a just a cold. The state of emergency should have been instituted for two weeks or a month,” Grigore Tinică stated in the talk show “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

Grigore Tinică also commented on the Moldovan authorities’ decision to purchase 400,000 doses of CoronaVac vaccine produced by the Chinese company Sinovac, which was the only company that expressed its readiness to sell vaccine to Moldova.

“The tender contests to buy vaccines in the European countries were held a long time ago and the Moldovan authorities woke up late. The vaccine producers have oversufficient orders and for them the Republic of Moldova is not an interesting partner from economic viewpoint. In Romania, any citizen of the Republic of Moldova who holds Romanian nationality, either they are medically insured or not, can register for vaccination. More vaccination centers will be opened as from April 15, including at family doctor’s centers,” stated Grigore Tinică.

The Moldovans with Romanian nationally can get vaccinated in Romania after scheduling an appointment on www.vaccinare-covid.gov.ro. To be registered, the persons need the Personal Identification Number consisting of 13 digits. The third vaccination stage covering all the age categories was started in Romania on March 15.

The famous cardiovascular surgeon Grigore Tinică is a native of the Republic of Moldova.