
Romanian citizens in Moldova want integration into Europe, unification with Romania


Moldova's Romanian citizens attending the presidential election say they are taking part in the poll to contribute to Moldova's integration into Europe, followed by the unification with Romania. At station #172 in Chisinau, more than 100 persons voted by 11:00, excluding the 70 people or so queued outside, said Radu Bejenaru, the station's chairman. “I'm waiting in this line for about one hour, but this won't make me give up and go to another station. I'll stay here as long as it takes and will cast my vote”, says Ion Dascal, a functionary, adding that his European dream deserves a couple of hours of Sunday spare time. “I voted for continuity, stability and for Moldova's integration into the European Union”, says director Silviu Silvian Fusu, a view shared by professor Teodor Cojusneanu, from the Agrarian University, who says that Moldova needs first of all a pathway towards the European Union, and then “unification through Europe”. “I vote for the mother country Romania, because she is always there for us when we need her, and the Unification can only happen through Europe. The Unification was possible, but unfortunately we didn't understand it and didn't react when it was possible”, says professor Dionis Lica, from the Pedagogical University. The Romanian citizens, including those living in Moldova, vote today for the next president of Romania and concurrently participate in a referendum on the introduction of the unicameral parliament and the reduction of parliamentary seats.