
Romanian Academy and ASM: Partnership for development of research and innovation in European context. IPN debate


The development of Romanian science in the European context is a common objective of the two academies, the Romanian Academy and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), which have recently signed a new cooperation protocol. The role of science, innovation and national and international cooperation in these areas remains paramount in identifying the necessary solutions, the document says. Gathered at a Joint Conference on May 8, scientists from both banks of the Prut River supported the idea that these challenges require changes in mentality, changes in the education system and, respectively, better organization of scientific research. In their opinion, the new cooperation protocol is a remarkable initiative to join forces, to highlight the experience and professionalism of the most valued experts from various fields, to boost interdisciplinary scientific activities, an initiative that will benefit both parties. The participants in IPN’s public debate “Romanian Academy and Academy of Sciences of Moldova: Partnership for the Development of Research and Innovation in the European Context” discussed the Moldovan-Romanian partnership in the field of research and innovation.

President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, academician Ion Tighineanu said that traditions of cooperation between the ASM and the Romanian Academy have existed for decades and many good things have been achieved together. “The Romanian Academy has supported us in the process of associating the scientific community of the Republic of Moldova with community programs. We went through that stage of association during a fast, accelerated period of time and this happened, first of all, thanks to the very fruitful cooperation with the Romanian Academy. Of course, many things have changed and we have come to the conclusion that we need to sign a new cooperation agreement. Our goal is to bring the two banks of the Prut closer together and to create a common cultural and scientific space,” stated Ion Tighineanu.

According to him, the cooperation between the two academies includes the organization in partnership of various scientific and cultural events, such as the contest to award the prize of the Romanian Academy and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Also, valuable scientific works are to be published by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, this being a help for researchers in the Republic of Moldova. Notable personalities from the field of science are to be identified and promoted as honorary members of the two academies.

Cooperation within scientific dialogue platforms and expert committees formed in the areas of competence is also planned. “We have seven scientific platforms for dialogue at the ASM into which we invited world-renowned personalities. There were also an impressive number of Nobel Prize laureates, presidents and vice-presidents of academies. Of course, it had a rather pronounced impact on the perception of the importance of science in the 21st century.

The cooperation agreement also provides for the participation of scientists in meetings, joint scientific events, lectures, exhibitions, which are also common. It is also planned to invite students from the Republic of Moldova to participate in the summer schools organized by the Romanian Academy and vice versa. “Within the framework of the agreement, we also discussed the areas of mutual interest. They are formulated in general terms: exact sciences and engineering, medical sciences, sustainable agriculture and food security, biology, environment and ecology, social sciences, humanities and arts,” said the president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. He also noted that the agreement will be valid for a period of five years, with the possibility of extension, taking into account the changes in research development strategies worldwide.

Academician Bogdan Simionescu, scientific researcher at “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, said that this agreement contains all the elements necessary for very good cooperation. “After a cooperation agreement is signed, these people who work in research institutes, universities, various government bodies or academies must work and value everything that has been established by the signed agreements. This thing is very important,” stated Bogdan Simionescu, professor at “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi.

In his opinion, such agreements are significant, but it is extremely important that they do not remain only on paper. “If these things remain on paper, we will do absolutely nothing. And developing such projects is not always an easy thing. It is hard because there is bureaucracy in the Republic of Moldova, and in Romania too. The worst thing is that there is bureaucracy in the European community as well. So, the researcher, who theoretically should only deal with the research part, will always have to also manage and do all kinds of things that are somehow related to research. But without them, unfortunately, it is not possible,” said Bogdan Simionescu.

“What should stimulate us to make these things work, a fact that we have noticed for many years, is that in reality, each of us, both Moldovans and Romanians, have areas in which we are very good. They are often complementary,” said the scientific researcher. According to him, Romanians and Moldovans learn from each other in different fields and these situations are of the “win-win” type because each of the partners wins.

President of the Youth Academy of Moldova, Dr. Tudor Braniște believes that it is necessary to ensure synergy with other state bodies. The signed document on cooperation between academies will also contribute to stimulating cooperation between researchers from both banks of the Prut.

“The cooperation between researchers will be stimulated by organizing joint events between academies. For example, the joint organization of the Romanian Language Day, the joint organization of the scientific conference on the occasion of the anniversary of astronomer Nicolae Donici, which will take place in September. These events will contribute to the creation of bonds of connection and information, including for young people who need points of cooperation between them,” said the president of the Youth Academy of Moldova.

According to him, the young people want to know more about the field of research. “It is necessary to have such campaigns to inform and guide young people in their careers. They are excited when they come to the research labs and see the research equipment, when they learn about the projects that are underway. They want to find out and then they want to get involved,” stated Tudor Braniște, head of the Academic Management and External Relations Section of the ASM.

The public debate entitled “Romanian Academy and Academy of Sciences of Moldova: Partnership for the Development of Research and Innovation in the European Context” was the sixth edition of the project “Double Integration through Cooperation and Information. Continuity”, which is funded by the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova. The content of this debate does not represent the official position of the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova.