
Romania and Moldova harmonize practices in justice


Romania is interested in the stability and modernization of the Republic of Moldova, consolidation of its institutions and maintaining of the European course. The adoption of the association agendas between the Republic of Moldova and the EU shows once again the Moldovan Government’s will to continue its European course, Romanian Minister of Justice Tudorel Toader stated in the opening of the second Justice Forum that is held in Bucharest, IPN reports.

Tudorel Toader said that Romania developed profound bilateral cooperation with each of the institutions that is present at the Forum. The representation at the highest level of the institutions from both of the states reveals the utility of the dialogue and efficiency of the bilateral cooperation. “Last year’s forum was a success and this year’s event shows the common wish to continue the experience of dialogue and the direct exchange of information in all the areas in which we work,” stated the minister.

According to Tudorel Toader, the efficiency of justice in the state development process as a public interest service plays a crucial role in the fight against corruption. “The development process should be profound in the areas that are relevant to our states, first of all by fighting corruption and improving the legal and administrative systems. The credible and efficient judicial systems lead to economic development, increased confidence of investors and people in the legal system. The citizens of the two states are the final beneficiaries of our institutional efforts,” noted the minister.

For his part, Moldovan Minister of Justice Vladimir Cebotari said the dialogue platform between the two states in justice is unprecedented because other administrative authorities do not have such a platform. The agenda of the forum includes such important subjects as the functioning of the legal system, access to magistracy and the fight against corruption.

“It is very important to have discussions on the issue as we are at the stage of conclusions as to the way in which the justice sector reform has been done since 2011 until now. Our accomplishments and failures should be discussed because at the current stage we are preparing a new justice sector reform for the next four years and the imprint of today’s discussions could remain on this policy document,” stated Vladimir Cebotari.

The first day of the event on November 23 is devoted to plenary discussions on topics of interest to the sides, such as optimization of the functioning of the legal system, role and place of the prosecutor in the architecture of the legal system, prevention and fighting of corruption and organized crime, role of liberal professions in the functioning of justice. The first part of the event on November 24 will consist of bilateral discussions between representatives of the participating institutions. In the second part, there will be presented the conclusions of the forum and the cooperation prospects for next year.