
Roman Mihăeș: Moldova is engaged in broad modernization process


The Republic of Moldova is involved in a broad European modernization process based on the Association Agreement with the EU. It does not matter that there is no invitation to immediately join the EU. What is important is for the Republic of Moldova during the next few years to become a functional, politically and economically stable state compatible with the EU practices in the field of human rights and able to provide its citizens with jobs and security and social guarantees. Such an opinion was stated by political analyst Roman Mihăeș when he was asked by IPN enumerate the most relevant events or actions that strengthened or, on the contrary, weakened the values of democracy, independence and the rule of law since the previous anniversary of Moldova’s independence.

According to him, 2018 can be characterized as a year during which a number of cardinal reforms were done. There was completed the central public administration reform and experts say the objective of modernizing the public services and making the public administration responsible was achieved. As a result, we have fewer ministries and functionaries, but the governance output increased and the salaries of those who remained in the system rose substantially.

Roman Mihăeș noted that the concept of the reform of the local public administration is being finalized. Several significant social projects for the citizens, such as the meal vouchers, First House and Good Roads for Moldova, should be taken into account here. Measures were taken to remedy the situation in the banking system. It should be noted that Banca Transilvania entered the Moldovan market by buying a  majority shareholding in Victoriabank.

As regards the Transnistrian settlement process, the analyst said a historical victory was won when the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution on the complete and unconditional withdrawal of the  foreign military forces from the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

As to the energy security, Roman Mihăeș noted the adoption of the law on the ratification of the loan agreement between Moldova and the EBRD on the implementation of the project to interconnect the electric power networks of Moldova and Romania. He said the fact that the Romanian company Transgaz entered the Moldovan energy market will lead to enhanced energy security. This way, besides the gas pipeline and the interconnection of the whole energy system of the Republic of Moldova with those of Romania and the EU, a real energy alternative and independence from Russia will be ensured for Moldova.

Roman Mihăeș concluded that the future destiny of the Republic of Moldova and its citizens greatly depends on the upcoming parliamentary elections.

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