
Role of internal audit within local public administration will be discussed at international conference in Chisinau


Issues related to internal audit within public administrations will be discussed at an international conference that will take place in Chisinau. Experts from Poland and Ukraine will participate in the event. The conference is organised by the Moldovan Business Consulting Institute and the Polish Foundation PAUCI under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland. The organization of the event is envisaged in the Moldovan-Polish cooperation project “Development of Human Resources and Consolidation of Internal Audit Capacities within Local Public Administrations in Small Towns located near the Moldovan-Ukrainian Border - Floresti, Soroca and Yampil”. The project aims to strengthen the local democracy and the local democratically elected authorities in Moldova by improving the quality of work and by efficiently using the human resources. From this July, the project has supported training and consultancy activities in Poland engaging specialists of the mentioned local public authorities. The conference participants will discuss the role of internal audit within the local public administration, aspects related to the constitution and functioning, the normative documents regulating the activity and the impact of internal audit on the activity of local public authorities, the relevant experience and practices of the three countries. The conference “Internal Audit within Local Public Administration in Poland, Ukraine and Moldova: experience and challenges” is scheduled for December 14.