
“Rock in Moldova” unveiled


The fans of rock music can now enjoy a new rock compilation. NORDIKA multimedia and the Culture and Tourism Center ETOS have unveiled at a news conference on Monday a 20-track compilation titled “Rock in Moldova”, Info-Prim Neo reports. The launched CD contains 20 songs by various Moldovan rock banks, which have already made a name for themselves as well as beginners. Among them are “Zebra”, “Soba”, “X-Band”, “Scroom”, “3 Bucks”, Cezara, and others. The organizers of the launch event have said the tracks on the CD are either in Romanian or English, because the intention is to push the fresh album to Romania and maybe further westward. Project manager Victor Mocreac says he wishes to compeer Moldovan rock with the Romanian one, adding: “we want to build a rock bridge between us”. The fresh compilation features various rock genres, from ballads to heavy metal. The disk is available at music kiosks in Chisinau at a price of 60 lei. A 5-hour open-air launch concert will follow on April 6, featuring 10 rock bands.