
Roadmap is being implemented, but so as to suit ruling clan, analyst


The measures provided in the roadmap are being implemented as laws and regulations are being adopted, but these are carried out in accordance with the wish of the ruling clan, considers political analyst Igor Botan, who is the executive director of the Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT). According to him, the conditions formulated by Moldova’s external donors are fulfilled, but in an unsatisfactory way, IPN reports.

In an interview for Radio Free Europe, Igor Botan said the unsatisfactory fulfillment of the given conditions is seen in the reaction of the development partners to the developments in the justice sector, the pressure exerted on judges and annihilation of the remaining independence of judges.

The political analyst considers that the judiciary in Moldova treats the people from whom it gets sovereignty and power worse than criminals ‘because the milder norm is applied when there are competing norms concerning the punishment of criminals’.

According to the ADEPT executive director, the external partners transmit Moldova a clear message – they no longer believe in reforms adopted on paper and want to see the effects of the implemented laws. “If the representatives of the United States say that the reforms are done inappropriately, the people should draw conclusions. The diplomats cannot say more than they are allowed to. If we are unable to draw relevant conclusions, it is our problem and we deserve the government we have,” stated Igor Botan.

The analyst said the amounts collected into the state budget decrease dramatically after rising in March because the government resorts to stratagems. “It announced a budgetary-fiscal policy and forced the business entities to import goods that are taxed by excises and now we see that the collected amounts are lower,” he said.

Igor Botan also said that by adopting the roadmap the government set the goal of regaining the development partners’ confidence and of ultimately unlocking the financing intended for Moldova.