
Roadmap for developing mass media made public


The organizers of the Mass Media Forum published the draft roadmap for developing the mass media that was updated with proposals formulated by the participants in the second forum of the kind held at the start of December. The document contains the main constraints that hamper the development of media outlets and a plan of action for removing these, IPN reports.

The plan of action specifies the conditions needed for sustainably developing, creating and consolidating a climate of fair competition and editorial independence for the media outlets of Moldova.

The second Mass Media Forum decided to update and supplement the roadmap, while an initiative group consisting of organizers and facilitators of thematic workshops held within the forum adjusted the document to the realties and to the proposals formulated by the participants.

Before January 5, journalists, managers and other persons who cooperate with media outlets can submit proposals for improving the draft roadmap, which will be analyzed by the initiative group. The full version of the roadmap for developing the mass media in Moldova will be transmitted to the national authorities, embassies and international organizations that monitor the democratic development of Moldova.

The updated roadmap is available at www.mediaforum.md, in the ‘documents’ section. Proposals can be transmitted through the email address secretariat@consiliuldepresa.md

The Mass Media Forum is staged by the Press Council in partnership with the Association of Independent Press, the Independent Journalism Center and the Electronic Press Association and was held on December 2-3.