
Road workers work continuously to clear the roads of snow


The snows falling last hours on the centre and southern part of Moldova lead to many problems, the road workers being forced to work continuously on clearing up the snow of the roads. The consultant of the Road management Department of the Ministry of Transport and Road Management, Nicolae Malcoci, said that in the morning the national road were practicable, with small circulation troubles. Thus, the circulation was difficult to Ungheni and the international itinerary Chisinau-Leuseni. About 300 road workers and 340 special units work since last night to clear up the roads. Malcoci noted that there were not registered any blockings of the roads with snowed cars. The trucks stopped at the parking and spent over there few hours till the road were cleared. In municipality Chisinau, Veaceslav Terna, the majority of the roads were cleared of snow, thus the transport drives without any problem. Terna said that last night all the special units were involved in clearing g the snow, including 25 units for disseminating the sand and antiskid material, tractors with brushes, graders, and at the Central Base of the department work 2 suppliers with antiskid material, ensuring the technique to clear the snow. The head of the Urban Bus Company, Anatol Gheorghita, said that all the transport circulates without any trouble on all the itineraries, but in suburbs the transport circulates very difficult. In order to bloc the circulation, the buses circulate on their itinerary, by skipping intentionally the target town. Gheorghita noted that the most serious difficulties of circulation were attested in direction Gratiesti, Vadul lui Voda, Tohatin, Dobruja, Codru. He mentioned that the national roads, as Balcani, were not cleared in time by subdivisions of the Ministry of Transport and Road Management. At his turn, the head of Electric Transport Department, Victor Martaniuc, said that in the morning there many skidding of trolleybuses, the most serious one being in the district Ciocana, where a trolleybus skid and was situated in the middle of the road, blocking the road for dozens of minutes. The inspector of the road security service of road police of Chisinau, Ion Roscovanu, said that in the conditions of such exceptional situation the driver should avoid driving, as the lack of experience of certain of them and love for speed of the others cause serious situations. Even this morning a car hit the bus on the itinerary 128, blocking the road for a while. The head of the Weather Forecasts, Lidia Trescilo, informed that at 8.00 on 3 March the height of the snow was 6 and 35 de centimetres. In Chisinau the height of the snow was 21 centimetres. Trescilo mentioned that next days the snow would continue to fall, and on 4 and 5 March the snow will become weaker. Instead, on 7 are expected important snows and only on 8 March the cyclone leaves Moldova. Referring to temperatures, she mentioned that the lowest one, in this period, would the Saturday night, when it 10 degrees below zero would be registered.