
Rise in methane prices under Competition Council’s scrutiny


The Competition Council requested a number of documents from “Transautogaz” SRL, the daughter company of the joint stock company “Moldovagaz” and the largest operator of compressed natural gas filling stations in Moldova, following the essential increase in methane prices, IPN reports.

The head of the Administration Board of “Moldovagaz” Vadim Ceban said the companies belonging to “Moldovagaz” ensure transparency in their acts and this was confirmed by cooperation with all the relevant institutions.

In connection with the January 22 rise in the prices of compressed natural gas, “Transautogaz” SRL said the global and European energy markets, including the diesel fuel market, have witnessed price rises for a period. “The cost of compressed natural gas is affected by different factors, including the purchase price of natural gas, the price of electricity needed for operating the compressors, etc. Abiding by the market principles, the company can decided to increase the price, including based on expectations,” the company said in a press release.

After the price of methane grew by 25%, a liter of compressed natural gas costs 17.60 lei. The National Agency for Energy Regulation said the price rise generates questions. According to the Agency, the administration of Moldovagaz SA, which is the founder of “TransAutoGaz”, insipidly tried to argue the rise, enumerating a number of factors that cannot actually influence the structure of the price of compressed natural gas intended for vehicles at the current stage.