
Rights of persons with special needs promoted by focused event


Works made by hand by persons with special needs will find a place in the Government Building. Prime Minister Pavel Filip bought these at an event entitled “I deserve to be appreciated”, which was held to promote the abilities of persons with disabilities. Among the acquisitions are a wooden mill, a painting and a Christmas tree, IPN has learned from the Government’s press service.

The Premier reiterated the importance of promoting the rights of persons with special needs and raising awareness of their potential. “Being here, among you, I felt positive energy, which I hadn’t felt long, and this will charge my batteries,” stated the Premier.

He stressed the necessity of developing a new approach to the problems of persons with special needs, underlining the measures taken by the authorities to improve the quality of life of this category of people. He also mentioned the approval of the disability system reform concept.

“I’m confident that this reform will be soon implemented. I consider it will be a successful reform and will ensure your integration into society. You should always feel appreciated for your capacities and for the works you make,” said Pavel Filip.

About 150 persons with special needs from 25 residential institutions of Moldova exhibited their handmade works at an event with sale staged on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The persons with disabilities in Moldova total 182,000, 11,700 of whom are children younger than 17. The persons with disabilities represent 5.1% of the country’s population, while the children with disabilities 1.7% of the total number of children. The data were provided by the National Bureau of Statistics before the International Day of Persons with Disabilities that is celebrated on December 3.