
Right to Justice urges people who work at clandestine cigarette factories to inform authorities


The public association “Right to Justice” calls on the Moldovan citizens who work at clandestine cigarette factories to seek help from the authorities. Representatives of the association referred in particular to a clandestine factory that was detected by the French gendarmerie. This is allegedly coordinated by a man from Moldova. An investigation conducted by the “Right to Justice” says the man was sentenced in Belgium to seven years in jail, but he moves freely in Moldova.

In a news conference at IPN, the association’s chairman Pavel Grigorchuk said the European states offer Moldova considerable assistance, including in the form of grants and preferential loans. Instead, some of the Moldovan citizens supply contraband cigarettes, causing damage of millions of euros to European states.

“This illegal business is controlled by international criminal groups that unfortunately include compatriots of ours. The protagonist of our investigation is citizen Mihail Filip Raileanu, who was born on September 19, 1981. He is also a citizen of Romania where he is wanted, being featured in other criminal cases. He is one of the barons, kings of Moldovan smuggling and is also one of the largest suppliers of cigarettes. But he smuggles not only cigarettes. We possess information that this grouping is also involved in drug trafficking. The man was sentenced in Belgium to seven years in jail, but this fact does not prevent him from smuggling considerable contraband in partnership with the international criminal underworld,” said Pavel Grigorchuk.

“I want to call on the workers of the clandestine factories run by this contrabandist. I received from you messages that I published in our investigation. We will do our best for the workers of these clandestine factories to be set free as they are our compatriots. They are simple workers who wanted to earn money. They went to Europe and were recruited by these groups of contrabandists and are now exploited as slaves.”
According to Pavel Grigorchuk, what is more serious is the fact that the workers of these clandestine factories informed that one of their mates tried to run away and to inform the police about the conditions in which they work. This hasn’t yet returned to the factory or to his domicile in Moldova. “We urge the relatives of these persons, the workers of these clandestine factories to contact us so that we cooperate with the law enforcement agencies, including the European ones, restore your rights, obtain your freedom and punishment for those who exploit you,” stated Pavel Grigorciuc.

The association made approaches to the authorities and the law enforcement agencies, depicting in detail the illegal activities and members of the grouping. The representatives of the public association “Right to Justice” demand that those who were sentenced in European states should serve their punishment in Moldova.

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