
Revision of social protection system can stop family dismemberment


The revision of the whole social protection system will enable solving the serious problems that affect the family, especially the children. The state must work out policies to allocate funds for supporting the disadvantaged groups of people that can deprive the children of parental care or even abandon them. The authorities should promote educational and counseling programs to prepare the young people for family life and a responsible sexual life. These conclusions are contained in the sixth social monitor “Child Abandonment in Moldova: actors, solutions and shortcomings,” Info-Prim Neo reports. The authors of the study consider that the state institutions should more attentively monitor the child adoption process. As regards adoption as an alternative method of raising the child in the natural family, the study recommends increasing the monthly allowance for taking care of an adopted child. The allowance of 500 lei provided at present is very low. The adoption procedures should be simplified as they are difficult and discourage those who want to adopt children. As to international adoption, the signing and ratification of the Strasbourg European Convention of April 24, 1967 would significantly change the situation. The competent authorities will agree to adoption only after thoroughly examining the adopters, child and his family so as to prevent cases of child trafficking. The social monitor “Child Abandonment in Moldova: actors, solutions and shortcomings” was launched by the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul” with financial support from Friedrich Ebert Foundation.