
Retrospect of Moldova’s Independence. Facts and declarations of the presidents of the Republic of Moldova


[August 27, 1991] – Parliament adopts the Independence Declaration of the Republic of Moldova by means of which it is proclaimed “sovereign, independent and democratic state, free to determine its present, without any foreign interference and according to the holy ideals and aspirations of the people”. In the declaration the Government of USSR was asked to start talks with the Government of the Republic of Moldova about ending its illegal occupation and about withdrawing the soviet troops from the national territory of the Republic of Moldova. [September 3, 1991] - The National Army of the Republic of Moldova was created [December 1991] – Moldova becomes a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) [August 27, 1991 – The speech delivered by the president Mircea Snegur at the extraordinary assembly of the Parliament on the occasion of Moldova’s independence proclamation] “The farce organized in Kremlin on August 2, 1940, regarding the creation of Moldovan R.S.S. was thoroughly lacking any legal grounds, constituting an impertinent defiance of people’s will. The socialist époque started for Moldovans with territorial thefts, organized hunger, forced collectivization, and the lies, demagogy, duplicity undermined national values. The assimilation processes, guided migration aiming at changing country’s national and demographic structure were stimulated. The proclamation of independence became a necessity for the entire nation. It is time to be just with our people. In order to better understand the advantages of the independence it is necessary to remember the antinational challenges we suffered as a people while being under the influence of imperial interests”. [March 2, 1992] – Moldova becomes a member country of United Nations [March-July 1992] - The Conflict on Nistru River started [July 21, 1992] – Presidents Mircea Snegur and Boris Eltin sign the ceasefire agreement [August 27, 1992 – The Speech delivered by President Mircea Snegur at the solemn assembly dedicated to the first celebration of Moldova’s independence] “A year after the declaration of independence, we have the possibility to prove to the whole world and to us that we are capable to confirm it, solving some serious problems of the transition period, overcoming the legacy of the communist system, which was not able to implement the slogan “All for one’s welfare”. One of the most unpleasant consequences of totalitarianism and the most difficult challenge for our young democracy was the armed conflict we were involved without our permission. It was a desperate attempt of the red-brown forces to crush our independence, to “free” our lands as they did before using the hypocritical pretext of defending “ours” … Romania deserves the highest appreciation and gratitude, the help of which in these difficult moments for Moldova’s independence and integrity we all felt”. [June 29, 1994] – Parliament adopts the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova. [August 27, 1994] – the Constitution comes into force. [February 27, 1994] – Parliamentary elections are organized. [1994] – Territorial-administrative Unity Gagauzia (Gagauz-Yeri) is constituted in the south of Moldova. [August 27, 1994 – message of the president of the Republic of Moldova, Mircea Snegur delivered to the nation on the occasion of 3d Independence Celebration] “Even if we take into consideration all the lacks that burden our life, we can say that there are sufficient premises that inspire us with optimism … The national opinion poll “Talking with people”, organized on March 6 was an important political act. Through it the people reaffirmed its standpoint to live in an independent, unitary and indivisible state, capable of promoting a neutral and collaboration policy with all the countries of the world, to stand as a guaranty for the equal rights of all its citizens, including ethnic minorities. The opinion poll dispelled many fears of the inhabitants, made their political and social life more stable. Also, MPs were open to the demands of Gaguz ethnic group and adopted in first reading the draft law on the special legal statute of Gagauz-Yeri”. [April 16, 1995] – Local general elections are organized. [July 13, 1995] – Moldova becomes a full member of the Council of Europe [November-December, 1996] – General elections for the office of head of state are organized. The new elected president is Petru Lucinschi. [March 22, 1998] – Parliamentary elections are organized [1998] – Territorial-administrative reform is made (from the raions system was passed to the districts one). [August 27, 1999 – Speech of the president Petru Lucinschi on the occasion of national holyday “Independence Day” and “Romanian Language Day” delivered to the people in the Great National Assembly Square] “The message I address on this day to the entire society, to all political forces is to unite the country in the name of the joint goal of building a modern and strong state, which is fully responsible for the life of each citizen, which can help the country pass over economic difficulties and which can assure the real success of the new reforms. It must be assured through the unity of all country’s citizens – Moldovans, Russians, Ukrainians, Gagauzians, Bulgarians, Jewish etc. The ethnic groups that live in the country must become rich and also our proud. [July 5, 2000] – Parliament votes the change of the form of government from semi-parliamentary to parliamentary republic. [February 25, 2001] – anticipated parliamentary elections [April 4, 2001] – Parliament elects Vladimir Voronin, the head of Communists’ Party as the head of state. [August 27, 2001 – Speech of the president Vladimir Voronin dedicated to the 10th celebration of Independence Day] “I, the third president of the Republic of Moldova, have the occasion to make the conclusion of this decade. I do not want take upon myself the role of judge. History will judge us and its sentences are made once and for all and can not be changed. Back in 1991, many were against the ones standing in the Square and asking for independence. They did not protest against the idea of independence but more against the meaning these ideas were giving to the former policies. National exclusivism, aggressive economic romanticism, separating in ours and theirs – that was the proposal of the leaders of the so-called national liberation when they were talking about independence…” [2002-2003] - European integration is settled as a national priority [2003] – Using the slogan of the territorial-administrative reform, the raions system comes back. [May 25, 2003] – Local general elections are organized. [November, 2003] – “Kozak Memorandum” is presented. [August 27, 2003 – Speech of the president of the Republic of Moldova, delivered to people on the occasion of Independence Day] “The pathway towards Europe, towards a proper economy, towards a transparent political system and towards a responsible social strategy generates rather high requests for us all – both for government, opposition and civil society. It needs strengthening forces, halting ambitions and party egoism. Due to the tasks the whole country must implement, its true patriots must be first of all members of the Moldova’s party, and only afterwards communists, liberals or social-democrats… Now, when everybody’s enthusiasm is directed towards European integration, we will appreciate the sincere intentions of the entire political elite, its availability to be not only by the means of words, but also by actions the wise and competent representative of social interests, to support by real actions the construction of the independent and sovereign state”. [August 27, 2004 – Speech of President Vladimir Voronin on the occasion of Republic’s Day] “It is important that in the last few years we were not tempted to ask for many loans, we are not running throughout the world to beg someone’s help. We adopted some serious and responsible rules in this respect, so that today no one will dare to say that Moldova is maintained by someone. We learnt to pay in time the highest prices for natural gas in CIS; we made our industry work and made our agriculture industrial. We settled as objectives ensuring energetic security and protecting our country against the market of this strategic area… And even if today, after all these years, we are not capable defeating this military cross-border group through a sustainable political critic and through open international pressures, even if we are still not able to solve the Transnistrian dispute, we are ready to properly tackle this issue. The talks with Tiraspol will not take place anymore. We will continue to negotiate only with those to whom Tiraspol is serving. [March 6, 2005] – Parliamentary elections are organized. [April 4, 2005] – through the vote of Communists’ Party, People’ Christian-Democrat Party, Democrat Party, Social-Liberal Party and of some independent MPs, the leader of CPRM, Vladimir Voronin was reelected as president of the Republic of Moldova. [August 27, 2005 – Speech of the president Vladimir Voronin presented at the reception offered on the occasion of Republic’s Day] “It is absolutely clear that the Moldovan state, affirmed itself, that it is no more some disputed territory, over which the big countries were stumbling. We proved that we all understand our present state of affairs and future… On July 22, the Parliament has adopted a historic law (on the basic stipulations of the special legal statute of the localities located on the left side of Nistru River), which was approved by all political parties of Moldova. We showed not only an open-mind and tolerance but also the wish to overcome all internal political disputes which the Transnistrian conflict generated on both banks of Nistru. [August 26, 2006 – Speech of the President Vladimir Voronin at the festive assembly dedicated to the 15th celebration of Moldova’s independence] “We all have the same opinion about what a successful country means, as Moldova is preparing to be – a European country with high social standards, with a high economic dynamism and sustainable cultural growth. Today we have the right to dream for such a country. We have this possibility, because the most difficult and sad pages were already overcome, I hope. Moldova has fully affirmed itself, not only as a state, but as a society, economy, as a country with an own image. There are no unnecessary persons in Moldova, because each citizen fought for the independence of the country. Thus, he is a citizen, who participates most consciously to the work of building our joint homeland. And if our formal independence came from nowhere, then our real independence is the result of our work, of our unity in front of different challenges, threats and attempts. It became real due to the fact that at all the stages of its growth, our people has always felt that the faith of its country lays in its own hands’