
Results of graduation and baccalaureate exams to be announced starting this afternoon


The grades for the baccalaureate and high school graduation exams will be publicized starting Monday afternoon, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to Valentina Miron, deputy director at the Evaluation and Examination Agency of the ministry of Education and Youth, the lists with the student’s grades signed by the chairman of the evaluation commission stamped by the evaluation center, will be displayed in each baccalaureate center. “Today, in the second half of the day we will start to post the results of the exams for graduation of general culture schools. Later we’ll gradually initiate the procedure for posting the results of the lyceum graduates”, Valentina Miron mentioned. The examinees who will disagree with the grades will have the possibility to submit their contests within 48 hours at the respective examination center, separately for each subject. “However, even if the students will submit a contest, they won’t be able to see their works. They will have to recall what they wrote with the use of a test sample”, Valentina Miron added. The representative of the Ministry of Education argued that in this way the student’s won’t be able to change their examination papers. According to her, the contested works will be evaluated additionally by a special commission, the structure of which will depend on the number of contests submitted. The verification will take place between July 2 and 4 and the results will be publicised on July 6. According to the head of the General Division of Education, Youth an Sports of the Chisinau Municipality, Tatiana Nagnibeda-Tverdohleb, in the period between July 1 and 8, the schools will hold a repeated exam session for the 9th grade students and an additional session for the 12 graders who couldn’t write the exams in time. “Only then we’ll have a complete picture of all three graduation levels”, Tverdohleb stated on Monday within the operative sitting of the municipal services. She also announced that the repeated session for the Chisinau students will take place in a single examination center –A. Mateevici College. About 32,000 graduates from schools, colleges and universities (compensatory year), including from the left bank of Nistru River, have written the baccalaureate exam this year in 394 baccalaureate centres. Chisinau hosted 72 centers in which 5620 students wrote their baccalaureate exams. Another 8871 students from the capital graduated the gymnasium level this year.