
Requiem for nations’ ancestors took place in Central Cemetery on Romanian language day


Over 100 ancestors have been honored in the requiem entitled „In memoriam” on Thursday, August 31, at the Central Cemetery from Armeneasca Street from Chisinau. The action was from the “Our Language” festive program. During the requiem, personalities that contributed to the development of our nation’s culture were commemorated. The list included such names as Doina and Ion Aldea-Teodorovici, Petre Teodorovici, Nicolae Sulac, Ion Dumeniuc, Tamara Ciobanu, Ion Vatamanu, Liviu Damian, Alexei Mateevici, Nicolae Costin, other well known personalities that took part in the events from 1989, and also the soldiers that died in the battles for the integrity of the Republic of Moldova. The event was attended by the relatives of the deceased, cultural personalities. According to Tudor Colac, an ethnographer and scientific researcher at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, this is an event that helps us remember out roots and the persons that dedicated their lives to bring legitimacy to the Romanian language, the Latin alphabet, and thus contributed to the event that took place 17 years ago. He mentioned that this is the 11th year in which requiems dedicated to fighters for the Romanian language and the Latin alphabet take place. Interim mayor of Chisinau Vasile Ursu, also present at the event, stated that it is the duty of every Moldovan citizen to respect and pass on the values for which the honored personalities fought. The festive program dedicated to the Romanian language day continued with a symposium of philologists from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, France, Germany, Russian Federation, Ukraine and other countries, with „2005 Book exhibition” from the National Book Exhibition, and later a show will commence with child bands, Orchestra of national music „Folclor” and guests from Romania and Moldova. The festivities will take place in the „Stefan cel Mare” public garden, in the National Opera House square and on the Green Theater stage. August 31 is the 17th anniversary since hundreds of thousand people from the Great National Assembly Square have obtained the proclamation of the Romanian language as state language and the change to the Latin method of writing.