
Republic’s social institutions are fully connected to centralized heating system


Social institutions of the republic are fully connected to the centralized heating system, the heads of the raions said as part of a teleconference with PM Vasile Tarlev, on Friday, October 20, concerning the preparation of social institutions and that of dwellings fund for the cold season. At the same time, some heads of raions declared that they didn’t finalize to stock the needed quantity of solid fuel. In this respect, Tarlev ordered the central authorities to create a commission, which would analyze the cases of the suppliers who obliged themselves to provide solid fuel for the raions and received the money from raional councils in this sense. The contracts with the suppliers that will be found culpable of breaches of obligations will be annulled, and they will be excluded from the register of companies with the right to operate in the field. On the other hand, Tarlev emphasized the necessity of implementing a special regime for the utilization of energetic resources by budgetary institutions. The PM ordered that that leaders of local authorities revise programs and plans concerning energy conservation, reducing expenses, minimizing losses and improving systems of heating and natural gases supply, aqueducts and canalization. These will be examined during the session of the Republican commission for strengthening the situation in the energy field. PM requested the Ministry of Transport and Road Management as well as the heads of raions and companies acting in the domain, to elaborate a program of endowment with special technical equipment for assisting the roads during the cold period of the year.