
Republic of Moldova will attend the International Labor Conference in Geneva


Over 3,000 government, workers’ and employers’ leaders of the world are to meet from May 31 to June 16, in Geneva for the annual Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The delegation of the Republic of Moldova will attend the works of the Conference starting June 5, 2006. According to the International Labour Organization, the Conference will discuss elements of future ILO instruments on occupational safety and health with a prospect toward adopting a new Convention and a Recommendation. The Committee on Occupational Safety and Health will hold a second discussion on a promotional framework aimed at lowering the toll of work-related injuries and diseases which cause some 2 million deaths each year. On 9 June, the Conference Plenary will discuss the ILO’s new Global Report on child labour, including a special event highlighting the progress made in eliminating child labour in countries like Brazil, Tanzania and Turkey. “The end of child labour – Within reach” says child labour declined by 11 per cent between 2000 and 2004. The report is issued under the follow-up of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work adopted in 1998. The draft proposes to member States the formulation and adoption, in consultation with the social partners, of a national policy that aims at guaranteeing effective protection for workers. Delegates will review the ILO’s technical cooperation programmes taking account of significant changes that have taken place in the approach and modalities of ILO programmes and activities since the last time the issue was discussed at the Conference in 1999, including Decent Work Country Programmes and partnerships within the United Nations system and elsewhere. Members of the Moldovan delegations are Mr. Sergiu Sainciuc, Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade, Mr.Petru Chiriac, President of Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, Mr.Leonid Manea, President of Free Trade Union Confederation ”Solidaritate”, Mr.Leonid Cerescu, President of National Employer Organisation and Mr.Adrian Axenti, Executive General Director of National Employer Organisation. The Republic of Moldova is a member of the International Labour Organization since 1992.