
Reports on evolution of electronic communications market to be presented online


The providers of electronic communications networks and services will complete and present statistical reports about the development of the market segments were they work online. The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology said the presentation of reports through the information system “Online reporting” will be possible after the first quarter of 2016, IPN reports.

According to a press release of the Agency, if the providers do not have technical possibilities to do this work online, they can submit the filled out forms of the statistical reports in electronic form to raport.statistic@anrceti.md. They are obliged to afterward file the reports on paper for confirmation.

The Agency’s information system “Online reporting” was launched in May 2015 on a trial basis. Though it, the providers can create, edit, view and send forms of statistical reports and data about the incomes earned from electronic communications services by using the digital signature.

Last November, the number of providers that used the system to fill out and send forms of statistical reports for the third quarter of 2015 rose to 51.

The statistical reports were supplemented with new indicators, such as the coverage of mobile communications services in urban and rural areas, number of users of such services, coverage depending on used technologies (2G, 3G and 4G), etc.