
Repeated matriculation to Chisinau’s lyceums to be organized on August 21-25


Applications for the second matriculation stage to Chisinau’s lyceums may be submitted during August 21-25. The contest will be organized during August 26-28. According to the data of the General Department for Education, Science, Youth and Sports (GDESYS), there are registered 1740 free seats in 60 lyceums of Chisinau. According to Zinaida Popescu, deputy chief of the Department, on the whole, 5255 vacant seats were announced this year in the municipality of Chisinau. In the first matriculation stage, 3985 applications were submitted, of which 3600 were accepted. About 1070 vacant seats, the majority, are in national classes. At the first stage, 2395 students were matriculated and 3400 seats were announced available. In the lyceums studying in other language than Romanian, 548 seats are vacant of those 1669 available for the 2006-2007 school year. In art schools, 81 seats are still vacant. At the same time, after the first matriculation stage, there are 42 vacant seats in sports schools. According to the matriculation plan, 4924 seats were available in the last year’s contest of which 600 remained vacant. 60 lyceums are working in Chisinau municipality.