
Repatriation of human trafficking victims will be sped up


The period of repatriation of human trafficking victims, of persons in difficulty and of unaccompanied children could be reduced according to the amendments proposed to the current regulation, which was approved in 2008.

Thus, the amendments propose that the period for issuing birth certificates for victims of trafficking or unaccompanied children, identified in other countries, should be 5 days. Until now, the documentation procedure took several months, while the children were placed in various social centers in third countries and could not be transported to the Republic of Moldova.

Additionally, the transportation via taxi will be introduced and it will reduce the repatriation period of human trafficking victims, persons in difficulty, as well as unaccompanied children.

After repatriation, human trafficking victims, unaccompanied children, sick adults or adults in difficulty, will be assisted by persons from state institutions to get to specialized care centers or to their residence.

The amendments to the repatriation procedure, meant to improve it, are triggered by the commitments undertaken by the Republic of Moldova, following the ratification of the international treaties in this field.

The bill is submitted to public consultations on the government platform http://particip.gov.md/.